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Home Warranty News & Articles

Important Questions to Ask Before Hiring A Home Warranty Company

April 19, 2022

A lot of homeowners turn to home warranty companies to buy plans that keep them protected from all the costly and troublesome home appliances and systems repairing and replacement throughout the year.

Most plans offer quick and convenient repairs, thus ensuring peace of mind for the homeowners.

If you are looking forward to buying a homewarranty plan, it’s really important to know all the options before choosing the right one for your home. A lot of home warranty companies keep some hidden fees or don’t tell about the privacy and terms and conditions, therefore, you should ask the right questions to make an informed decision.

In this article, we are going to tell you about some crucial questions that you should ask your home warranty company-

How quickly do they provide the repairing service?

A well-known home warranty company like ServicePlus Home Warranty ensures a short response time for their service requests. Ask your home warranty company about the time it takes to send out the repairing professional to your home.

Are there any hidden fees?

Sometimes, home warranty companies have hidden fees that they don’t disclose in the simple quote. Ask if the company has any potential hidden or extra fees so that you can avoid that.

What happens if I don’t make claims or make too many claims?

Some home warranty companies charge high prices or make changes to their pricing structure based on the number of your claims.

What are the restrictions related to replacements?

Some companies may only replace appliances or systems with specific brands or within a specific value. Before choosing a company, ask if there are any restrictions or limitations to replacements.

What is covered by your home warranty plan?

Generally, three types of plans-one cover the home appliances only, another covers the home systems only, and finally, the third one covers all the major home appliances and systems but such plans cost higher than the regular one.

What if there’s an emergency?

The emergency visit always comes with hefty expenses due to the immediate response of the home warranty companies and this is the reason why you should ask about the costs for the emergency visit.

What is the service fee or deductible amount?

Every home warranty company charges a fee for the service visit. The service fee is also known as the deductible. Usually, the deductible amount ranges between $30 to $60. You should always know the service fee before investing in a home warranty plan.